Nicole Junkermann presents Bolt – an NJF Capital investment

Nicole Junkermann of NJF Capital presents Bolt, a tech company that aims to reinvent the e-commerce payments stack top to bottom with a suite of tools designed to streamline transactions across web platforms.

The average American backs out of 96 online purchases a year before reaching checkout.

Costing online retailers an estimated $2500 per customer in lost sales.

According to a recent OnePoll survey, having to re-enter payment details or complete extra verification checks are top reasons for abandoned purchases.

Consumers have become accustomed to one-click shopping on Amazon but many smaller retailers find it difficult to compete.

Bolt democratises one click purchasing by making it accessible to e-merchants who are not on Amazon.

Combining checkout, payments and fraud detection services, Bolt offers a better buying experience for shoppers and maximum conversion for retailers.

Connecting to shopping carts and payment processing, Bolt’s technology uses data to optimise both and helps online retailers fill the gap between browsing and buying.