Nicole Junkermann presents Coindrum

Nicole Junkermann of NJF Capital presents Coindrum – the solution to the problem of leftover foreign coins. Coindrum allows travellers to turn their leftover coins into an airport shopping voucher, making an inconvenience into something which people can enjoy.

As Covid-19 travel restrictions are lifted, holiday makers will once again be confronted by an old problem: what to do with the pile of foreign coins in your pocket at the end of your trip.

In 2017 the average Briton had £35.22 of surplus foreign currency sitting around at home, according to a study by Opinium Research.

Coindrum have a solution to the leftover foreign currency problem.

Coindrum provide and service machines in airport duty free shops that convert customers’ leftover coins into vouchers for use at the till, with a bonus of 10% of total value of coins added to the voucher value.

Research shows that Coindrum machines drive footfall in duty free stores.

The average Coindrum customer spends 10 times the value of their voucher and around 40% more than normal customers.

Coindrum operates in 10 airports in 6 countries, including Dubai, Milan and Brussels airports.