Nicole Junkermann presents reBuy – an NJF Capital investment

Nicole Junkermann, NJF Capital founder, presents reBuy, the leading marketplace for recycled consumer electronics and media content. The company is a pioneer of e-commerce in the second-hand electronics market, and now processes over 100,000 items a day and boasts over five million satisfied customers.

40 million tonnes of tech products are thrown away each year causing mountains of unrecycled e-waste.

Many of these devices contain scarce resources like rare earth metals which pollute when dumped.

Online marketplace reBuy is tackling the issue by enabling people to buy and sell used electronic items such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

Consumers can also resell products back to the German platform to be refurbished and sold on.

Not only is reBuy reducing environmental damage by extending the life of valuable tech devices.

This marketplace also makes good quality tech devices affordable for people on low budgets.