Nicole Junkermann explores warehouse logistics with Gideon Brothers – via NJF Capital

Nicole Junkermann of NJF Capital discusses Gideon Brothers, and the future of fully-autonomous robotic solutions ability to reduce workplace accidents.

According to the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE), 29 000 workers in the transport and storage sectors sustained an injury in the workplace in 2019.

The logistics sector was particularly hard-hit, with 3.1% of workers in warehousing and 3.5% in postal and courier jobs suffering injuries, against an all-industry average of 1.9%.

Using AI and automated vehicles in logistics can reduce accidents.

Gideon Brothers produce autonomous mobile robots to transport goods around warehouses.

The company’s unique vision perception technology improves both safety and efficiency.

Automate to grow is becoming the central tenant of Industry 4.0

Gideon Brothers is recognised as one of Europe’s rising stars in AI, at a time when AI and logistics are proving to be a perfect match.