Nicole Junkermann presents an A-Z of Femtech: H = Heart

Nicole Junkermann, NJF Capital founder, presents an A-Z of Femtech – a series of short videos focused on specific areas of interest in this hugely important and exciting field.

Heart disease is often associated with men, but 1 in 5 women die from it in the US, making it the leading cause of death.

Because heart disease can look different in women, it regularly remains undiagnosed. 

In the past, research into female health has been neglected and underfunded. 

While reproduction remains a large focus for Femtech, startups are providing solutions for other areas of women’s health through online services and connected devices.

As well as heart disease, women disproportionately suffer from osteoporosis, thyroid and autoimmune conditions.

Femtech recognises that female health is fundamentally unique, and women require innovations that are specifically tailored to their needs.