Nicole Junkermann presents Spoon Guru – an NJF Capital investment

Nicole Junkermann of NJF Capital presents Spoon Guru, foodtech innovators who empower leading retailers around the world to provide healthier food discovery and personalised shopping tools for their customers.

More than 66% of shoppers say they have problems finding healthy food.

For retailers, this offers a huge opportunity as more people adopt dietary preferences based on health and lifestyle.

In other areas of their lives, people are enjoying curated digital experiences that are tailored to their preferences, like Spotify and Netflix.

Powered by AI, Spoon Guru is a food discovery platform that can help retailers customise shoppers’ preferences based on their interactions.

In the wake of the pandemic, there is more demand for online grocery shopping services that can learn and act on dietary preferences over time. 

And offering this level of hyper-personalisation will help retailers compete against the growing threat from Amazon in the online grocery world.